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Special Query Modifiers

All queries are executed in their unaccented and case insensitive form on the content and the title of documents. To change this behaviour, use flag:<modifier_name> to enable special query modes.

Modifier NameDescriptionExample
matchinurlsQuery will also match URLs and links (e.g. in entity_url which is a link extracted from the article).flag:matchinurls
matchauthorQuery will also match author fieldflag:matchauthor
matchauthordescriptionQuery will also match author description fieldflag:matchauthordescription
matchexactUse Raw data search as default. All keywords are considered as case-insensitive exact character string including special characters and punctuation.flag:matchexact
matchexactcaseUse Exact raw data search as default. All keywords are considered as case-insensitive exact character string including special characters and punctuation.flag:matchexactcase

The special modifiers can be combined: carsharing flag:matchauthor flag:matchfuzzywords searches for words like carsharing, car sharing or car-sharing in the fields title, content and author_name.


When matchinurls or matchauthor is set, API results will not have highlighting in snippets when one of these fields is matched.