200 | 0 | OK | Default answer |
500 | 1 | Internal Server Error | An unexpected exception was encountered. |
500 | 2 | Search Execution Exception | An unexpected exception was encountered. Related to the search |
400 | 3 | Parameter Missing | Required parameters are missing. The missing parameters are provided in key 'params'. |
400 | 4 | Error in query | Could not parse query. The details can be found under 'details'. |
400 | 5 | Invalid parameter value | A parameter has an unacceptable value. The parameter is listed under 'param' and the details under 'details'. |
401 | 7 | Invalid, missing or inactive access token | The access token is either missing or the provided value is invalid. |
401 | 8 | Call limit exceeded for this endpoint | The called endpoint has a limited call frequency, the values should be cached by the client. |
401 | 9 | No credits left. | The account ran out of credits. |
403 | 10 | API application is inactive | The API account is inactive. 'appId' gives the ID of that account. |
403 | 11 | No such application linked | The provided ID is not linked in the API to any project or application. |
403 | 12 | Linked application inactive or deleted | The linked application is inactive or deleted. |
403 | 13 | Access denied: Insufficient access rights. | The used access token does not have enough access rights. 'rights_req' will list the required access rights, 'rights_got' lists the access rights provided by that access token. |
404 | 15 | Wrong stream id. No such stream defined. | A non existing stream was accessed. |
400 | 16 | Invalid operation on document | The search document modification operation is not supported. 'reason' and 'details' will provide more information. |
400 | 17 | Could not parse json | The JSON that was passed via POST could not be properly interpreted (it was not in the expected format). |
400 | 18 | Invalid operation on stream | Modifying a stream failed. See 'reason' for details. |
403 | 19 | Number of rules to set exceeds maximum number of rules | Exceeded the maximum allowed rules for this API account. 'number_max' is the limit, 'number_available' how many we can save and 'number_saving' the number we tried to save |
403 | 20 | Cannot create any more streams | Exceeded maximum amount of streams ('number_max') |
403 | 21 | A stream with this name already exists | The stream 'stream_id' is already defined. |
403 | 22 | Number of sources to set exceeds maximum number of sources | Exceeded the maximum allowed sources (whitelist or blacklist) for this API account. 'number_max' is the limit, 'number_available' how many we can save and 'number_saving' the number we tried to save. |
403 | 23 | Stream has no rules defined | Exception when trying to stream with a stream that has no rule defined. |
403 | 24 | Stream got disconnected because newer stream running | A new stream (same 'stream_id') is connected, so the old stream will be disconnected. |
403 | 25 | Stream got disconnected | The stream was disconnected due to the given reason. |
404 | 26 | Endpoint or action not found | The called endpoint was not found. |
403 | 27 | Connection is not secure, must use HTTPS | Authentication API endpoints need to be called using HTTPS. |
404 | 28 | User was not found in this application | This user ID does not exist or is not linked to this project. |
403 | 29 | Access to this project is forbidden | This project can not be accessed with the given access_token. |
429 | 30 | Limit of maximum concurrent streams reached | Too many streams running in parallel for this account. |
404 | 31 | Could not find rule with id | A rule with the given ID could not be found. |
404 | 32 | Could not find panel with id | A panel with the given ID could not be found. |
403 | 33 | Panel is still referenced | This panel could not be deleted, it is still used in a stream. |
505 | - | HTTP Version Not Supported | The Talkwalker Streaming API supports HTTP 1.1 or newer. |
400 | 34 | Url is malformed | The given URL for channel monitoring is malformed |
400 | 35 | Could not execute action in Talkwalker | Error in connecting to a Talkwalker project |
403 | 36 | Access prohibited | Access prohibited due to access restriction settings |
403 | 37 | Cannot create any more panels | The maximum number of panels is reached |
404 | 38 | Cannot find a project with this id | The project with this ID could not be found or is not accessible |
413 | 39 | Request entity too large | Request entity too large |
400 | 40 | Global search is disabled for this account | Global search is disabled for this account. |
200 | 49 | Some or all requests of this bulk request failed | Some or all requests of this bulk request failed |
413 | - | Request entity too large | The sent PUT or POST request is too large (maximum 5120kb) |
503 | - | Service Temporarily Unavailable | The Talkwalker servers are restarting due too an update |