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(repeated extra entries for each matching rule, available in streaming only)

highlighted_data object

On streaming, this information is present in an highlighted_data object

fieldNameWrite access through APIComment
matched/rule_idmatched rule-ID of matched rule
matched/rule_querymatched rule-Query of matched rule (when ID is not set)
matched/stream_idmatched stream-ID of matched stream
matched/panel_idmatched panel-ID of matched panel
matched/project_idmatched project-ID of matched Talkwalker project
matched/profilematched profiles-Profiles which matched (if Talkwalker project)
title_snippetTitle Snippet-If a match occurred in the title, this field will contain the snippet related to the query set in the datafeed.
content_snippetContent Snippet-If a match occurred in the article, this field will contain the snippet related to the query set in the datafeed.