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Talkwalker Search Histogram API and Talkwalker Projects<project_id>/histogram/<type>

How it works

Talkwalker users can use the topics defined in their project with the Talkwalker API. The Project Search Histogram API can be used with the same parameters and types as the Search Histogram API. Additionally, in order to query a specific topic of a Talkwalker Project, the parameter topic can be set to one or more topic-IDs. Talkwalker users can also retrieve the datasets defined in their Customer Intelligence project using the parameter dataset. Datasets older than 7 days can no longer be queried.


Histogram types

publishedTimestamp of publication (epoch time in milliseconds)Histogram
search_indexedTimestamp of indexation in Talkwalker (epoch time in milliseconds)Histogram
reachThe reach of an article/post represents the number of people who were reached by this article/post.Histogram
engagementThe engagement of an article/post is the sum of actions made by others on that article/post.Histogram
facebook_sharesNumber of Facebook shares an article hasHistogram
facebook_likesNumber of Facebook likes an article hasHistogram
twitter_retweetsNumber of Twitter retweets an article hasHistogram
twitter_sharesNumber of Twitter share an article hasHistogram
twitter_likesNumber of Twitter likes an article hasHistogram
twitter_followersNumber of Twitter followers a source hasHistogram
twitter_impressionsNumber of Twitter impressions an article hasHistogram
twitter_video_viewsNumber of Twitter video views an article hasHistogram
instagram_likesNumber of Instagram likes an article hasHistogram
youtube_viewsNumber of YouTube views a video hasHistogram
youtube_likesNumber of YouTube likes a video hasHistogram
youtube_dislikesNumber of YouTube dislikes a video hasHistogram
comment_countNumber of comments an article hasHistogram
languageNumber of documents written in a languageTop-N Distribution
countryNumber of documents with a source from a certain countryTop-N Distribution
source_regionNumber of documents with a source from a certain region, depends on geolocation resolutionTop-N Distribution
source_cityNumber of documents with a source from a certain city, depends on geolocation resolutionTop-N Distribution
genderNumber of documents written by an author of a particular genderTop-N Distribution
ageNumber of documents written by an author in a predefined age groupDistribution
unique_authorTotal number of different authorsDistribution
hashtagNumber of documents containing a particular hashtagTop-N Distribution
emojiNumber of documents containing a particular emoji codeTop-N Distribution
theme_cloudpercent of documents containing a particular word or hashtagTop-N Distribution
interestNumber of documents within a particular interest groupTop-N Distribution
occupationNumber of documents within a particular occupation groupTop-N Distribution
sentimentNumber of documents with a particular sentimentDistribution


Same as Histogram API parameters with additional parameters topic, filter, channel, panel and dataset:

parameterdescriptionrequired?allowed valuesdefault value
access_tokena read/write token specified in the API applicationrequired
qThe query to search foroptionalTalkwalker query syntax
minMinimum value for binsoptionalLong Integer valueFor published: tomorrow - 8 days or max - 8 days
maxMaximum value for binsoptionalLong Integer valueFor published: tomorrow or min + 8 days
min_includeInclude min valueoptionaltrue / falsetrue
max_includeInclude max valueoptionaltrue / falsefalse
intervalBin IntervaloptionalDuration for published and search_indexed / Integer for histogram / not used for distributiondynamic
timezoneTimezone (for interval)optionaltz database: timezone name (e.g. Europe/Luxembourg, Australia/Perth)UTC
breakdownNested histogramoptionalsentiment, sourcetype, country, topic, `channel-
value_typeNested metric for time based histogramsoptionalmetric historgram types-
top_nSize limiter for demographic distributionoptionalInteger value in ]0, 100]10
time_rangeTime range filter in the format number+ a time unit character (e.g. 30d for 30 days.)optional
percentage_relationSpecify the relation for theme cloudsoptionalbreakdown, query, totalbreakdown
tokenizing_modeTokenizing mode for theme cloud histogramsoptionalnormal, two_grams, three_grams, noun_phrase, verb_phrasenormal
forecast_daysTime series forecast in days. Predicts the future. Only available on project indices with forecast enabledoptionalInteger value in [1, 90]
topicOne or more topics that are defined in the Talkwalker projectoptional, multiple
filterOne or more filters that are defined in the Talkwalker projectoptional, multiple
channelOne or more channels that are defined in the Talkwalker projectoptional, multiple
panelOne or more source panels that are defined in the Talkwalker projectoptional, multiple
datasetOne or more datasets that are defined in the Talkwalker Customer Intelligence projectoptional, multiple

Possible values for time_range as time unit characters are: s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, w for weeks and M for months.

Since some parameters are only used by certain histogram types, the following table provides an overview of all working combinations.

access_token qmin max min_include max_include intervaltimezone forecast_days value_typebreakdowntop_npercentage_relation tokenizing_mode

Time series forecast

Forecasting is a feature currently available in Talkwalker Platform for projects that include the corresponding package. This parameter allows to make a time series prediction and determine the confidence interval.


The feature will be enabled only if all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The histogram type is published or search_indexed
  2. Parameter interval is set to 1d or is not present
  3. Parameter max is not specified (prediction can't be done if we don't search for results "till now")
  4. The package includes the forecast feature
  5. Value set within [1, 90]

Time series forecast example

curl '<project_id>/histogram/published?access_token=<access_token>&q=cats&forecast_days=1&pretty=true'
"status_code": "0",
"status_message": "OK",
"request": "GET /api/v1/search/p/<project_id>/histogram/published?access_token=<access_token>&q=cats&forecast_days=1&pretty=true",
"result_histogram": {
"header": {
"v": ["Number Results"]
"data": ["__truncated_for_readability__"],
"forecast": {
"header": {
"v": ["Number Results"]
"data": [
"t": 1671235200000,
"v": [4.0],
"min_confidence": [0.0],
"max_confidence": [7.0]

A new object is then available in the payload with field forecast, it keeps the same structure as a normal histogram, but with two additional arrays representing min. and max. confidence. The data object is composed of:

  • t indicates the time-based lower bound of the current bucket
  • v is the number of elements inside that bucket
  • min_confidence the minimum confidence of our AI for v
  • max_confidence the maximum confidence of our AI for v

Top influencers histogram.

Top influencers histogram is a specific Top-N Distribution list which can only be called in the context of a Talkwalker project. It returns the number of documents written by an author (or a source) with sentiment and performance metrics.

Top influencers endpoint<project_id>/histogram/top_influencers

Top influencers specific Parameters

parameterdescriptionrequired?allowed valuesdefault value
access_tokena read/write token specified in the API applicationrequired
qThe query to search foroptionalTalkwalker query syntax
top_nSize limiter for demographic distributionoptionalInteger value in ]0, 100]10
time_rangeTime range filter in the format number+ a time unit character (e.g. 30d for 30 days.)optional
topicOne or more topics that are defined in the Talkwalker projectoptional, multiple
filterOne or more filters that are defined in the Talkwalker projectoptional, multiple
channelOne or more channels that are defined in the Talkwalker projectoptional, multiple
panelOne or more source panels that are defined in the Talkwalker projectoptional, multiple
datasetOne or more datasets that are defined in the Talkwalker Customer Intelligence projectoptional, multiple
influencer_typeGet the results for authors or sources.optionalauthor, sourceauthor
sort_criteriaSort the results (always descending) by a criteriaoptionaltotal, positive, negative, neutral, reach, engagement, engagement_per_mention, reach_per_mentiontotal

Possible values for time_range as time unit characters are: s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, w for weeks and M for months.

===== Top influencers example Top 3 influencers sorted by the potential reach per mention they posted in the last 7 days.

curl '<project_id>/histogram/top_influencers?access_token=<access_token>&sort_criteria=reach_per_mention&top_n=3&time_range=7d'
"status_code": "0",
"status_message": "OK",
"request": "GET /api/v1/search/p/<project_id>/histogram/top_influencers?sort_criteria=reach_per_mention&top_n=3&time_range=7d&<access_token=access_token>",
"result_top_influencers": {
"influencers": [
"matched_topics": [
"topic_id": "<Topic ID 1>",
"posts_amount": 0
"topic_id": "<Topic ID 2>",
"posts_amount": 1
"topic_id": "<Topic ID 3>",
"posts_amount": 0
"details": {
"id": "<ID 1>",
"name": "rimmi singhi",
"url": ""
"network": "ONLINENEWS_OTHER",
"posts": 1,
"sentiment": {
"positive": 1,
"negative": 0,
"neutral": 0
"reach": 1.4397408e9,
"reach_per_mention": 1.4397408e9,
"engagement": 0.0,
"engagement_per_mention": 0.0
"matched_topics": [
"topic_id": "<Topic ID 1>",
"posts_amount": 2
"topic_id": "<Topic ID 2>",
"posts_amount": 1
"topic_id": "<Topic ID 3>",
"posts_amount": 0
"details": {
"id": "<ID 2>",
"name": "grace kay",
"url": ""
"network": "ONLINENEWS_OTHER",
"posts": 2,
"sentiment": {
"positive": 0,
"negative": 1,
"neutral": 1
"reach": 2.8794816e9,
"reach_per_mention": 1.4397408e9,
"engagement": 0.0,
"engagement_per_mention": 0.0
"matched_topics": [
"topic_id": "<Topic ID 1>",
"posts_amount": 0
"topic_id": "<Topic ID 2>",
"posts_amount": 1
"topic_id": "<Topic ID 3>",
"posts_amount": 1
"details": {
"id": "<ID 3>",
"name": "yuri kageyama",
"url": ""
"network": "ONLINENEWS_OTHER",
"posts": 1,
"sentiment": {
"positive": 0,
"negative": 0,
"neutral": 1
"reach": 1.4397408e9,
"reach_per_mention": 1.4397408e9,
"engagement": 0.0,
"engagement_per_mention": 0.0
"influencer_type": "AUTHOR",
"sort_criteria": "REACH_PER_MENTION"


10 credits per Search Histogram API call.

Rate Limit

Project based histograms are limited to 30 calls per minute.

Limit the results by topic

In order to only include results that match either topic_a or topic_b when calling the search endpoint, we can add these topics as parameters.<project_id>/histogram/<type>?access_token=<access_token>&topic=topic_a&topic=topic_b