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To export a subset of documents from your Talkwalker's project, you need to retrieve :

  1. The project ID of the projects.
  2. The topic or filter ID you want to filter on. This is not mandatory.

These IDs will be used as parameters on the search API to extract only data you're interested in.

Retrieve list of projects

curl -L -X GET '<access_token>'

Retrieve list of topics

curl -L -X GET '<access_token>'

To retrieve the filters, you can use the value filter in the type parameter.

Retrieve documents from one topic

curl -L -X GET '<project_id>/results?topic=<topic_id>&access_token=<access_token>'

By default, it sort the results by engagement descending, like in Talkwalker UI.

For the full list of parameters, please see the the API page.