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Retrieve author details

Unique ID

Based on the twitter author ID, you can use the Twitter API to retrieve the details:


The author is identified as a user in Twitter.

curl -L -X GET '<author ID>?user.fields=created_at,description,entities,id,location,name,pinned_tweet_id,profile_image_url,protected,public_metrics,url,username,verified,withheld' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ***'

You can retrieve all details on Twitter developer portal:

"data": {
"entities": {
"url": {
"urls": [
"start": 0,
"end": 23,
"url": "",
"expanded_url": "",
"display_url": ""
"name": "Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D",
"id": "2316383071",
"verified": false,
"pinned_tweet_id": "1591557768934486017",
"description": " Behavioral Scientist. Postdoc @ UMD. Studying disinformation, cognitive security, mediated communication, crises. Opinions are mine.",
"protected": false,
"profile_image_url": "",
"username": "RVAwonk",
"public_metrics": {
"followers_count": 454303,
"following_count": 3044,
"tweet_count": 107252,
"listed_count": 4248
"url": "",
"created_at": "2014-01-29T02:27:58.000Z"

Retrieve a batch of authors

It is possible to pass a list of user IDs (up to 100) within 1 call. To do so, you need to add an additional URL parameter: ids with the list of IDs separated by a comma.

The rest of the parameters remains unchanged:

curl -L -X GET ',243013409&user.fields=created_at,description,entities,id,location,name,pinned_tweet_id,profile_image_url,protected,public_metrics,url,username,verified,withheld' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ***'

The structure of the response doesn't change with the unique ID endpoint, it's just an array of data that is returned.

You can retrieve all details on Twitter developer portal: