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Retrieve documents from a Talkwalker project


Retrieve up to 10.000 sorted results. the full history of Talkwalker projects is available in the search API, when used in combination with a Talkwalker project.

Path Parameters

  • project_id string required
    Example: a1ab1abc-a123-123a-123a-abcd12ab1a12

Query Parameters

  • q string

    The query to search for.

    Example: cats AND dogs
  • offset integer

    Number of results to skip (for paging). Vaule is between 0 and must respect the rule that hpp+offset is less than 10.000. Default value: 0.

    Example: 0
  • hpp integer

    Number of hits per page (for paging). Value is between 0 and 500. Default value: 10.

    Example: 10
  • sort_by string

    Criteria for sorting the results. Allowed values: engagement, published, reach, facebook_shares, facebook_likes, twitter_shares, twitter_retweets, twitter_followers, youtube_likes, youtube_dislikes, youtube_views, cluster_size, comment_count, published, search_indexed, trending_score. Default value: engagement.

    Example: engagement
  • sort_order string

    Sorting order (ascending or descending). Default value is desc.

    Example: desc
  • hl boolean

    Turns highlighting on or off. Allowed values: true or false. Default value: true.

    Example: true
  • pretty boolean

    Formatted json for testing. Possible values are true or false. Default value: false.

    Example: false
  • topic string

    One or more topics that are defined in the Talkwalker project

  • filter string

    One or more filters that are defined in the Talkwalker project.

  • channel string

    One or more channels that are defined in the Talkwalker project.

  • panel string

    One or more source panels that are defined in the Talkwalker project.

  • dataset string

    One or more datasets ID that are defined in the Talkwalker Customer Intelligence project



  • object